Part 3: Using Azure Event Hub for Stream ProcessingIn the previous part, we saw how to use Strimzi to create a Kafka connect cluster with the Debezium SQL Server plugin included. We then…Feb 17Feb 17
Part 2: Installing Kafka Connect and Streaming Data from SQL Server with the Debezium ConnectorIn the previous part, we saw how to use Strimzi to bring up a Kafka cluster and a way to inspect the broker and topics using Kafka-UI.Feb 17Feb 17
Kafka, Kafka Connect, SQL Server CDC, and Event Hub Streaming on Kubernetes: A 3-Part GuideIn today’s data driven world, real time data processing is becoming increasingly important for businesses that are looking to gain timely…Feb 17Feb 17
Part 1: Running Kafka on Kubernetes with StrimziStrimzi is an open source project that provides a set of operators for running Kafka on Kubernetes. It considerably simplifies the…Feb 17Feb 17
Published inThe StartupCommunication between microservices using typed clients and Dapr — Part 2In Part 1, we looked into how we can call across microservices using a strongly typed client generated by using Swagger and NSwag. In this…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
Published inThe StartupCommunication between microservices using typed clients and DaprIn the world of .Net APIs, communication between microservices can be achieved using multiple techniques, either by using the httpClient…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
Published inThe StartupBuilding Asp.Net Core Applications With an Angular Frontend Using DockerRunning .Net Core applications with a frontend SPA framework like Angular or React is now as simple as using one of the built in templates…Sep 13, 20201Sep 13, 20201
Published inThe StartupScaling SignalR Core Web Applications With KubernetesSignal R with ASP.Net core is an open source library providing real time communications between the client and the server. With just a…Sep 8, 20202Sep 8, 20202